Monday, March 3, 2008

It's a family affaaaa-aaaair

1.5 hours reading, 0.5 hours writing, page count = 199

It's "family month" on It Takes a Village; the monitors for this month will be by sister Allison, my father Hugo, my mother Gloria, and my wife Cathy. Up this week is Allison Cardona, in New York City. She works for the ASPCA as their Director of Disaster Response, for which she was interviewed last week by the Today Show! Welcome Allison!

Continued working today on the comparative framework of Chapter 1, doing some background reading on Latin American armies during the 19th century to round out what I've written so far. I'm glad to see that a number of the points I've been developing are echoed in what I'm reading - which means I'm not crazy! :) The impact of international war on army development in the 19th century may be more complicated than I had thought, but I'm also questioning the assertions in one of the sources I'm reading, so it's been a productive process.

I had a doctor's appointment, which took up much of the afternoon. And I have a phone interview for a job tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!


Mami said...

Dear Son,
I just created my blog account so I am ready to be the monitor for when my turns come.
love, Mami

Rjewell40 said...

How did the job interview go?

Of course you're not crazy!! We were all sure of that all along.

Glad your family joins us this month. It's great company we're keeping.

Unknown said...

Hey Big Bro,

I am very excited to be a part of this monitoring process. I was thinking a lot about you this morning while I was practicing yoga. I was wondering how you structure your day in terms of writing/researching/reading etc?

I know that you were going to physical therapy for awhile and might still be in that process and thought that maybe you could structure blocks of writing time in a similar way? Maybe make a dedicated time where you just have to write and turn everything else off/out.
You may have this in place already so I apologize if I am being a simpleton!