Tuesday, December 4, 2007


6 hours writing, page count = 223


I saved the final changes on the complete draft at 5:13pm Eastern, the exact moment I turned 34. Then I emailed it to my committee, and I fly out to Berkeley next week to negotiate final revisions with them.

Happy Birthday to me! And thank you to all the Villagers for your help in getting this far!


Marco Mojica said...

Congratulations Mr. Chris or can I now beging calling you Dr. Chris??!!!
If you have some time, let's try to get together once you are in town.

Feliz Cumpleanios!!!

Laura Sumner said...

woohoo!! Congrats! AND Happy Birthday!!!

I Cappi said...

My Dear Son [The Doctor]:
What an incredible goal and objective you have accomplished. These months of sharing with you the :birth of your dissertation” brought back the memories of 34 years ago when you were a “gleam in my eyes” and then a reality growing in Mommy’s body.
In my wildest dreams and imagination I never expected that you, and your sister Alli, would have turn out to be the human beings that you are. I feel so privileged and blessed that the two of you are part of my life.
Love you very much, Daddy

Unknown said...

Hey Chris!

Just checking back in and wanted to add my congrats!! HOORAY for making it through those final draft hurdles.

Hope you enjoy the conversations with your advisors next week - and travel safely to Indy amid all this snowy weather.
