Friday, June 29, 2007

So much data...

0.5 hours writing, 4 hours researching/reading, 0.5 hours administrivia

At the SIBL library again today, working through data from the 1938 census, looking to establish a baseline for the comparison between states. I'm feeling pretty good at this point about two of the states I've chosen, and am still figuring out the third comparison case.

The census has municipal-level data for a number of indicators, and it's sobering to look at indicators of economic development. We're talking about a time where 4 out of 5 households didn't have plumbing, running water, or electricity. Looking at this fine-grained data helps me think more about what the local-level situation looks like, and to place the struggle over control of the police in that context. When there's not much else going on in the society, controlling the government suddenly looks like a big deal....

Looking back on my first month (!) of this project, I'm feeling good about my progress. I added more than 25 pages to my outline, identified 4 more chapters to write, developed a subnational-comparison angle that I think is going to add a lot of interest, and explored literatures on police systems, Colombian regionalism, and institutional design that will flesh out my theoretical framework. Thanks to my monitors Steve, Kristin, Diana, and Marco Mojica, who was monitoring this week. Gracias Marco! Up next is Dan Faltz in LA. More about him on Monday.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Marco Mojica said...

Great progress this week my friend. You are on solid ground and just remember slow and steady... Keep it up!!!

It was fun and inspirational watching your progress.

Pa'lante siempre Pa'lante