Friday, September 28, 2007

Tying up loose ends

3.5 hours writing, 0.5 hours reading, 1 hour emailing, page count = 133

Tailoring work continues on It Takes a Village, as I edited another another two chapters of the manuscript. I have one more to go on Monday. Not much more really needed to be cut, there was still some repetition, but the basic ideas are there. As I’ve gone through the document, I’ve highlighted places where I need to add cites or flesh out ideas, so that, along with prep for my trip to Colombia, will be next week’s tasks. Editing the empirical chapters has been particularly helpful because it's focused me on exactly what additional data I need to gather on my trip.

In terms of reading, I’ve been catching up on Colombian news online to get up to speed on current events in advance of my trip.

Thanks to Matt Sumner for being this week’s monitor! Next up is his wife Laura Malchow, also in Oakland. Have a great weekend!


Matt said...

Excellent work today - I love seeing more than three hours in the writing column!

Rjewell40 said...

Do you feel like you're on track in terms of reading and writing?