Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Keep it simple, stupid

1 hour writing, 3.5 hours reading, 0.5 hours emailing, page count = 120

Continued working on a formal model today, and doing some related reading. There are different versions of two-level games, so I checked out a prominent one and tried to incorporate what I could from it. I find the exercise of developing a formal model quite challenging: good ones are deceptively simple. I have a lot of variables that are relevant to the phenomena that interest me, so it's difficult to keep things clear and to make the relationships explicit. I've tried a number of different times over the past couple of years - I recall vividly my first "dissertation day" while working at HIP, spent at a cafe uptown near Columbia working over the elements of a potential model. But I feel like I am making progress on it; in particular, I'm increasingly clear on what the tool is good for and what it's not. In any event, the exercise is forcing me to be more explicit about what I'm trying to explain, who the actors are, and how they relate to each other, so that's all to the good.

Also did some methodological reading, and set up a meeting for Friday. I've been invited to attend a couple of seminars at universities in the area, so I'm thinking about the timing of those trips - which could include meeting with fellow graduate students and job-related contacts - alongside the timing of a trip to Colombia. I'm speaking with a professor who knows the archives I want to visit very well on Monday, which is also the day my human-subjects protocol is being reviewed, so I guess I'll need to wait until next week to definitively plan the timing of my trip.


Tee-aR said...

I like the idea of using a formal model and filling it with your data. I can see how that might clear up a thing or too - especially when it helps you strip away anything that is not really essential to the theory but seems so at first.

Having said that I need to fulfill my official monitor duties by frowning upon you for the writing time - and if I wanted to be really a bean counter; for the reading time too.

I have a question regarding the page count: Do you count the pages you have written that day or that you have written so far. In the first case: big thumbs up - in the second case: more serious frowning.

Keep it up Chris. : )

Chris said...

Page count is total written so far. It's like Bridget Jones's Diary (so I'm told), where she lists number of cigarettes smoked, units of alcohol imbibed, and weight in pounds. Except in this case, going up is good!