Tuesday, March 18, 2008

For God's sake, subtotal!

4 hours compiling data, page count = 203

What an amazing speech Obama gave today. I'm so impressed with the way he took the discourse to another level.

Busy getting ready for tomorrow's two big events, my job interview in the morning and the VPF event in the evening. Both had some last-minute preparations to take care of, but I feel good about both.

Finished compiling the data on relative funding of army and police. It certainly wasn't what I expected, so the plot has thickened interestingly. I think the troop levels will tell me a lot more, but that requires more slogging through the budget documents. Today was slow going, as Uruguay and Peru didn't subtotal in the police section, requiring line-by-line calculations from 30-page sections. Not fun, but useful.


I Cappi said...

Hello Again!
Another good day you had,way to
go!!From the encouraging section
the best of luck in your
interview tomorrow.(otra velita!)

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Rjewell40 said...

Subtotaling out of 30 pages... Ugh..

Keep on plugging..