Friday, January 11, 2008

The other '60s

1.5 hours writing, 2.5 hours researching, page count = 196

Tracked down a number of decent Argentina sources at the public library. The 1860s period was clearly key on a number of levels in terms of centralization efforts and the development of the military. Political parties just did not develop at a significant pace during this time, however. The contrast with Colombia is notable.

I'll continue with country-level research next week, but will set aside some time to continue revising Chapter 1 with the updated 3-step comparative framework I laid out earlier this week.

Thanks to this week's monitor Steve Boland! Next up is Marco Mojica, in Santa Cruz.


Unknown said...

Good week, Chris. Your perserverence continues to boggle the mind.

Marco Mojica said...

Mr. Chris.

Did you have an entry yesterday? The last one I see is from Friday of last week.