Thursday, January 10, 2008

Don't cry for me

3 hours researching, page count = 195

Went to the New York Public Library to look up sources on Argentina. I was interested to learn that while the army was centralized in the 19th century, as I had expected, it wasn't until the 1860s, and it was through a very explicit series of reforms that brought together a couple of competing provincial armies. A very different experience from Colombia, which had one standing army but many private armies during the same period. I guess I would call Argentina's experience more of a centralizing one.

My trip to the library was interrupted by a physical therapy appointment: I have plantar fasciitis and shin splints from bad running technique, and PT actually ends up being quite time-consuming: two hours today. But I'm set for tomorrow with another set of sources to consult at the library.


Unknown said...

You know, Brian gets shin splints from running. My conclusion: one should not run.

I Cappi said...

Dearest Son:

As you know i used to run, now i walk as fast as i can.
In 1987 i got the same thing. i learned that i din't know how to properly run and i relearned.
i was able to run for another 10 years until my age caught up with me.

Do take good care of yourself and congratulations on the progress made.

Love, Dad

Rjewell40 said...

You need good shoes, dood. Think I wear the clogs because of some fashion statement? No!! They're good for your footses.

I know you'd look like some Berkeley Hippie, but hey! Look! no owie legs!! :)