Thursday, July 19, 2007


1.5 hours writing, 2.5 hours reading/researching, 0.5 hours emailing

Continued working this morning on the chapter about police systems. I have about 20 pages of raw material, which I'll keep shaping and expanding in anticipation of having a draft for LASA by August 1st. In terms of reading, I did some math and read more in the 2003 collection on irregular armed forces. That revealed a vein of writing in Europe about political policing that I'll want to tap into.

I was preoccupied today, as Cathy was just arriving at Grand Central last night when the water main exploded. It was very scary; people running and screaming, nobody knew what was going on. The column of steam was so high at first that "it looked like a skyscraper was on fire," she says. She'll have to drop the clothes she was wearing and the bag she was carrying off at a Con Edison pickup point in Midtown on Monday so they can dispose of them properly. No real danger, just a good precaution. Hoo-boy.

A good time to get out of the city! We're going up to Williamstown, MA, for the theater festival this weekend. It's the town where we went to college, which during the summers hosts a well-regarded theater festival. There's a great museum of contemporary art nearby, MassMoCA, so it's a fun weekend; this'll be the third year we're doing it. Looking forward to getting away!

1 comment:

rm said...

Glad to hear Cathy is ok. I'm pulling for a big day from you tomorrow to cap off the week. Let's go!