Wednesday, July 25, 2007

2 hours writing, 2 hours researching

Continued working on the police chapter, focusing today on the comparative component. I'm analyzing the patterns in the timing and composition of security forces across countries. I need more accurate data to be able to do so, so I identified sources at the library that I can check tomorrow to verify the dates that I've been able to cull from Wikipedia and web searches.

Also worked on distinguishing what I mean by "police system," how it connects to "security forces," and why I choose to use those terms the way I do. Reminds me yet again that there's so much to be done in this area, theorizing the police and how they impact politics. If I stick to making contributions in that area, and position myself as testing new concepts, I'll be in good shape.


Geordan said...

What?? Verify data from Wikipedia? I thought that was an infallible resource!

Good idea to define what "police" and "security" you've pointed out before with other examples, the composition and focus of these can vary widely.

Way to go on the 2 hours of writing, keep it up!

Unknown said...

Chris, your Simpsons avatar looks just like you. Scary!