Tuesday, April 1, 2008


2 hours compiling data, 1 hour emailing and planning travel, 2 hours analyzing data, page count = 203

Finished compiling force data for Peru and Bolivia. I'm now only missing Brazil army and police and Ecuador police for the endpoint of state formation. But for now, that's enough to work with.

As I suspected, adding in population size does make a difference. The military and police participation ratios (proportion of male population in the army and police, respectively) appear to have a relationship with regime outcomes, and in the direction I'd anticipated. But I need to take apart my measure of regime outcomes and make sure that's capturing what I want it to as well. An encouraging sign, anyway.

Still trying to figure out the right length for my May trip to Berkeley for graduation and filing. I may be able to cut a few days off the back end and be home for Memorial Day weekend, but I don't know for sure yet. TBD, hopefully in the next day or two.

1 comment:

Geordan said...

Looks like you were able to make some preliminary conclusions with the data; good that it is in line with what you were expecting. Although you have some logistics to finalize, make sure you get some solid writing time in too!