Friday, August 17, 2007


4 hours bureaucrarate, 2.5 hours meetings

Spent the day at Berkeley dealing with university bureaucracy and meeting with one of my advisors and a fellow grad student who's working on a related topic. I turned in a form that fully commits me to filing by December - no turning back now! My advisor had great comments that will help recast the police chapter and focus the subnational comparison. It was a crucial conversation that will shape the next couple of months of writing, research and potential (likely) fieldwork. But first, Matt and Laura's wedding and a week's vacation!

Thanks to Diana Kapiszewski for monitoring this week and for the use of her office and printer today! I couldn't have gotten my human subjects paperwork done and handed in today otherwise. Josh Miles in New York is up next, starting on the 27th. More about him then.

Have a good week, and I'll be back on the 27th!


Unknown said...

How AWESOME that you had a CRUCIAL =) and inspiring conversation with your advisor! Happy to be of service in terms of my office - just wish I could have been in it to see you!!! Have a great time at M&L's wedding, and a wonderful vacation!!!

Sam said...

hey chris,

just randomly came across this blog while googling something sounds like you're kicking ass with the dissertation! hope all is well.

sam handlin

Rjewell40 said...

Oh NO!!

Only 2 posts in 10 days?!

I guess you're not working on the thesis while in Napa, drinking wine...

Hope you're having a good time.